The saga continues as "A Cherokee Wish", the third and final addition to the trilogy will show. Dean once again is in pursuit of treasure but what he finds will surprise you. Along the way he will meet yet another family member in spirit form. Who is the distant relative who becomes a part of Dean’s life? What happens to the gold Dean was after? Will he survive yet another ordeal at the hands of his distant cousin, J.R.?
An excerpt from my storyline:
Dean hooked the flashlight to his specially made harness jacket, picked up the torch and headed for the door. It was hard to tell direction but the best he could figure from the way he came into the room Dean was headed east. The tunnel seemed to go for quite some distance. Occasionally there was a torch hanging on the wall so Dean lit them figuring he could use all the light he could get. His walk was purposely done at a slow pace. Dean figured that he had plenty of time to explore and didn’t want to miss anything as he walked through. The gold could be anywhere and he knew it. There were some spots on the walls where Dean noticed moisture and figured it was seepage from up above. From time to time as he walked he thought he could hear something but could not make it out. As he got closer he realized what he heard was running water. It wasn’t long until his path took him right into a small stream. He stopped and looked
around. The water was coming down this one wall much like a waterfall. At the base, it was emptying into a small pool which didn’t appear to be too deep. Out of the pool ran the stream that found its way right over to the path Dean was walking on. On past the spot where he stood Dean noticed the stream going through a small opening in the wall opposite the one it entered from.
Jumping over the small stream Dean continued along the path he had been following. So far there were no signs of any other exits from the tunnel he was in. That was a good thing for Dean not wanting to get lost down in these caverns. The lit torches also made him feel better that he was fairly safe in following his urge to explore. He wasn’t sure how far he had walked but knew it
was quite a distance. He looked down at his watch and realized he had been down there almost four hours already. Going on for a while longer Dean noticed that the tunnel he was in was opening up into a room much like the one he came down in. As he entered the room Dean was horrified from the sight in front of him. A slight stench hung in the air much like a fog. Looking around the room Dean noticed it was filled with the bones of what appeared to be people who had been held in some kind of bondage. The bones had shackles around both of the wrists and ankles. You could tell that some must have been beaten because they had bones that had been broken. Dean noticed also among the bones were those that to him appeared smaller and he figured they must have been from children. Sick from the sight he was taking in Dean wondered just what in the world he had stumbled into. He walked around the room for a while examining the bones not seeing any sort of trinkets or possessions with them at all. It felt like he had entered a stone crypt and a very eerie feeling filled him.
Then all of a sudden in one spot he saw a lot of wood decaying on the ground and he looked up. There above him hanging high on the wall was what appeared to be the only remaining bit of a rotting ladder. At the top of the ladder was what looked like at that distance to be a wooden trap door. Dean figured it probably led to a room in a building or home somewhere. The little bit of remaining ladder was hanging so high there was no hope for Dean to get up to it. Over in the corner something large caught his eye. At a closer look it was possibly what Dean was looking for, a large old wooden chest. It was large enough Dean thought to possibly contain the gold he was looking for but why would it be all the way down here? The chest reminded Dean of many he had seen in antique shops. It was a combination of wood and leather with what appeared to be brass tacks and fixtures on it. He tried to lift one end of it but it was way too heavy for that. Opening it was out of the question because it was locked with a very old padlock. More questions on Dean’s mind were where did these bodies come from and why were they down here? He looked down at his watch and realized it was already mid-afternoon so he decided to call it a day and head back to the opening.
An excerpt from my storyline:
Dean hooked the flashlight to his specially made harness jacket, picked up the torch and headed for the door. It was hard to tell direction but the best he could figure from the way he came into the room Dean was headed east. The tunnel seemed to go for quite some distance. Occasionally there was a torch hanging on the wall so Dean lit them figuring he could use all the light he could get. His walk was purposely done at a slow pace. Dean figured that he had plenty of time to explore and didn’t want to miss anything as he walked through. The gold could be anywhere and he knew it. There were some spots on the walls where Dean noticed moisture and figured it was seepage from up above. From time to time as he walked he thought he could hear something but could not make it out. As he got closer he realized what he heard was running water. It wasn’t long until his path took him right into a small stream. He stopped and looked
around. The water was coming down this one wall much like a waterfall. At the base, it was emptying into a small pool which didn’t appear to be too deep. Out of the pool ran the stream that found its way right over to the path Dean was walking on. On past the spot where he stood Dean noticed the stream going through a small opening in the wall opposite the one it entered from.
Jumping over the small stream Dean continued along the path he had been following. So far there were no signs of any other exits from the tunnel he was in. That was a good thing for Dean not wanting to get lost down in these caverns. The lit torches also made him feel better that he was fairly safe in following his urge to explore. He wasn’t sure how far he had walked but knew it
was quite a distance. He looked down at his watch and realized he had been down there almost four hours already. Going on for a while longer Dean noticed that the tunnel he was in was opening up into a room much like the one he came down in. As he entered the room Dean was horrified from the sight in front of him. A slight stench hung in the air much like a fog. Looking around the room Dean noticed it was filled with the bones of what appeared to be people who had been held in some kind of bondage. The bones had shackles around both of the wrists and ankles. You could tell that some must have been beaten because they had bones that had been broken. Dean noticed also among the bones were those that to him appeared smaller and he figured they must have been from children. Sick from the sight he was taking in Dean wondered just what in the world he had stumbled into. He walked around the room for a while examining the bones not seeing any sort of trinkets or possessions with them at all. It felt like he had entered a stone crypt and a very eerie feeling filled him.
Then all of a sudden in one spot he saw a lot of wood decaying on the ground and he looked up. There above him hanging high on the wall was what appeared to be the only remaining bit of a rotting ladder. At the top of the ladder was what looked like at that distance to be a wooden trap door. Dean figured it probably led to a room in a building or home somewhere. The little bit of remaining ladder was hanging so high there was no hope for Dean to get up to it. Over in the corner something large caught his eye. At a closer look it was possibly what Dean was looking for, a large old wooden chest. It was large enough Dean thought to possibly contain the gold he was looking for but why would it be all the way down here? The chest reminded Dean of many he had seen in antique shops. It was a combination of wood and leather with what appeared to be brass tacks and fixtures on it. He tried to lift one end of it but it was way too heavy for that. Opening it was out of the question because it was locked with a very old padlock. More questions on Dean’s mind were where did these bodies come from and why were they down here? He looked down at his watch and realized it was already mid-afternoon so he decided to call it a day and head back to the opening.