~ Pictures from my second book - "Shawnee: The Adventure Continues" ~
This picture I used in the first chapter as the stream running through the Smith plantation in Georgia.
Actual picture taken by Cathy Leoppke near her home out west.
Picture of the "Cherokee Rose" as seen from Wikipedia
This shelf is in our dining room and was made by my good friend Jack Roberts in his shop "Rhyme or Reason Woodworking"
This is a picture of the back of the cave - location used in both stories as the spot where the gold was found
Rustic log cabin picture used as J.R. Logsdon's home
Picture used as the site of Logsdon's grandparents homestead. Actually this foundation and well is on the author's property and dates back into the late 1800's or very early 1900's
This is a closer look at the well showing the inside construction
This is the original picture used for the cover of this book