This story "Shawnee: The Adventure Continues" is a continuation of Dean’s adventures into the unknown. He finds himself once again in the hands of danger while pursuing yet another treasure. Contacted by an unknown relative from southern Illinois he is drawn back into the same area that he found the gold 10 years earlier, this time in search of a family treasure. Is there really more treasure or could there be something else on his relative’s mind? We will learn some of Dean’s ancestral history, his roots into the Cherokee bloodline! What lies in store for Dean and his buddy Jack as they enter again into the Shawnee Hills? This book is the second in what is planned to be a trilogy!
Excerpt from my storyline:
James was out hunting for deer when he discovered several whites on their property. He yelled at them to leave, when all of a sudden one pulled a rifle and fired. He missed James, to which he returned fire and fatally wounded the trespasser. The other two returned shots at James, one slug tearing flesh in his left shoulder and lodged in the bone. Another one grazed his forehead as it passed by. Pulling his pistol from its leather holster with his right hand, James took careful aim and again hit his target with practiced accuracy…and another white man dropped from his horse and into the creek. Finally, the third white man charged at the waiting Cherokee chief and once
again “Bold Eagle” showed what he was known for…his unfailing bravery. He stood up and took aim once more. Again his flesh was burning, this time in his right leg. Just as he pulled the trigger, his opponent did the same. James’ bullet hit its mark right between the eyes, and the third white man dropped. Unfortunately, the last slug caught James right in the chest, passing through one of his lungs and exiting through his back.
James managed to get on his horse and make his way back to his family before anyone else arrived. Thomas saw his father on the horse and realized something was wrong. He rushed to his father’s aid but he knew that the wounds his father had sustained would be fatal as he had already lost an enormous amount of blood. Helping him down from his horse, they headed to the house before anyone could see that James had been injured. This episode was not going to end well for his family and James knew that, so he asked Thomas to get him writing materials so he could take care of business before he was gone.