Chapter 1
Winter, 1817-1818
The smoke was rising from the fieldstone chimney on top of the small
Logsdon cabin. It had been snowing for days now and didn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon. This was one of the worst storms southern Illinois had seen in years. The snow was approaching close to two feet with drifts from the blowing snow reaching much higher. Good thing for John and Susanne that they had plenty of food on hand to last them for a while. John always tries to have enough to
get him through the harsher months of winter. Now that he has another mouth to feed though he is not sure if he can stretch what he has. Likewise, his woodpile was well stocked since they use it not only for heat but also for cooking.
Approaching late February and Susanne has been with John for almost three months. It seems like another lifetime since Susanne lost her brother Thomas in their wagon accident. John has been very grateful that he was able to find Susanne and help her. He knew from very early in their relationship that he loved her. Susanne also felt those same bonds and as their closeness grew they decided that they were meant to be together. They went into town late in January and found a preacher who married them. It was a simple wedding…for them it
wasn’t the ceremony but their inner most feelings that made that bond.
Both bitter and cold as February in Illinois can be there aren’t very many things that can be done when the snow is as deep as it was getting. John had no major reason for going outside other than to occasionally refill their wood supply or get fresh water. It didn’t take John’s desires long to kick in and he found his wife’s attributes calling to him. Within a very short time John romanced his wife into wanting him as much as he did her. You would not think that of a man who lived alone so long back in the woods by himself. John however was quite the gentleman and knew the needs of a woman. A woman wants to be touched gently and kissed softly. She wants her man to desire her for whom she is, to love her and to show her that love. John did his best to make Susanne feel like that special woman.
Spring was approaching and the harshness of winter was starting to be replaced by the renewing of the approaching season. The melting snows filling the streams full of sparkling fresh life giving water. There was life in the hills once more and slowly the wood’s critters were making themselves known. The little chipmunks scurrying along the ground, leaving just the slightest of signs to their presence. Their larger cousins, the squirrels were chasing each other making enough noise to wake the dead. Occasionally even a deer or two would wander along looking for an opening in the melting snow hoping for some tender browse. There were definitely signs of spring fever not only alive in the Logsdon cabin but thriving throughout the woodlands as well.
As the warmth of the spring days began to over shadow the harsh winter cruelty, it was time for John to start thinking about picking back up on his routine before his beloved Susanne arrived. He would of course need to replenish their meat supplies as well as start getting the ground ready for his garden. The garden supplied the staples which rounded out the diet Logsdon survived on. He knew without any doubt in his mind that now with Suzanne by his side they would need more than his meager garden could provide. John also sensed that Susanne would someday soon want to start a family of her own. Children he thought would help her get over the grieving for her father and brother. Not that it would ever make her forget her lost family but he knew it would definitely ease the pain she felt. He most definitely was not opposed to having kids of his own…he had been alone to long.
Winter, 1817-1818
The smoke was rising from the fieldstone chimney on top of the small
Logsdon cabin. It had been snowing for days now and didn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon. This was one of the worst storms southern Illinois had seen in years. The snow was approaching close to two feet with drifts from the blowing snow reaching much higher. Good thing for John and Susanne that they had plenty of food on hand to last them for a while. John always tries to have enough to
get him through the harsher months of winter. Now that he has another mouth to feed though he is not sure if he can stretch what he has. Likewise, his woodpile was well stocked since they use it not only for heat but also for cooking.
Approaching late February and Susanne has been with John for almost three months. It seems like another lifetime since Susanne lost her brother Thomas in their wagon accident. John has been very grateful that he was able to find Susanne and help her. He knew from very early in their relationship that he loved her. Susanne also felt those same bonds and as their closeness grew they decided that they were meant to be together. They went into town late in January and found a preacher who married them. It was a simple wedding…for them it
wasn’t the ceremony but their inner most feelings that made that bond.
Both bitter and cold as February in Illinois can be there aren’t very many things that can be done when the snow is as deep as it was getting. John had no major reason for going outside other than to occasionally refill their wood supply or get fresh water. It didn’t take John’s desires long to kick in and he found his wife’s attributes calling to him. Within a very short time John romanced his wife into wanting him as much as he did her. You would not think that of a man who lived alone so long back in the woods by himself. John however was quite the gentleman and knew the needs of a woman. A woman wants to be touched gently and kissed softly. She wants her man to desire her for whom she is, to love her and to show her that love. John did his best to make Susanne feel like that special woman.
Spring was approaching and the harshness of winter was starting to be replaced by the renewing of the approaching season. The melting snows filling the streams full of sparkling fresh life giving water. There was life in the hills once more and slowly the wood’s critters were making themselves known. The little chipmunks scurrying along the ground, leaving just the slightest of signs to their presence. Their larger cousins, the squirrels were chasing each other making enough noise to wake the dead. Occasionally even a deer or two would wander along looking for an opening in the melting snow hoping for some tender browse. There were definitely signs of spring fever not only alive in the Logsdon cabin but thriving throughout the woodlands as well.
As the warmth of the spring days began to over shadow the harsh winter cruelty, it was time for John to start thinking about picking back up on his routine before his beloved Susanne arrived. He would of course need to replenish their meat supplies as well as start getting the ground ready for his garden. The garden supplied the staples which rounded out the diet Logsdon survived on. He knew without any doubt in his mind that now with Suzanne by his side they would need more than his meager garden could provide. John also sensed that Susanne would someday soon want to start a family of her own. Children he thought would help her get over the grieving for her father and brother. Not that it would ever make her forget her lost family but he knew it would definitely ease the pain she felt. He most definitely was not opposed to having kids of his own…he had been alone to long.